brown paper tickets uses cookies to provide the best experience on our website. by continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy and privacy policy . cookie settings view site in english , español , or français sign me up! | log in go forget your login? the animal empathy proj... high line 10th ave. amphitheatre new york, ny sat aug 25, 3:00 pm american iconoclasts iv... the brooklyn historical society brooklyn, ny fri feb 01, 7:30 pm jpp summer soiree! the home of yuval david new york, ny wed aug 08, 7:00 pm bitchmix by sláinne &am...; address provided upon ticket purc... ridgewood, ny sat jul 28, 8:00 pm the fall of lady m by m... el barrio art space, ps 109 new york, ny fri aug 10, 8:00 pm 19th century history sy... mount vernon hotel museum new york, ny fri jul 27, 2:00 pm hooray for hollywoo: a... bizarre bushwick brooklyn, ny fri aug 24, 7:00 pm sports the bard conservatory c... cary hall at the dimenna center f... new york city, ny sun sep 09, 4:00 pm passing down (part of f... the sonnet theater @ the producer... new york, ny sat aug 11, 6:00 pm napoleon by stanley kub... angel orensanz foundation new york, ny mon aug 20, 8:00 pm ipanema nights the deep end ridgewood, ny fri jul 27, 9:00 pm one more than two teatro latea new york, ny fri sep 28, 8:00 pm 17th annual tomato extr... restaurant serenade chatham, nj wed aug 15, 7:00 pm omega @ the kosciuszko... the kosciuszko foundation at the... new york, ny wed may 01, 6:00 pm motorbunny presents...m... the actors theatre workshop new york, ny sat aug 04, 8:00 pm the animal empathy proj... high line 10th ave. amphitheatre new york, ny sat aug 25, 3:00 pm american iconoclasts iv... the brooklyn historical society brooklyn, ny fri feb 01, 7:30 pm jpp summer soiree! the home of yuval david new york, ny wed aug 08, 7:00 pm bitchmix by sláinne &am...; address provided upon ticket purc... ridgewood, ny sat jul 28, 8:00 pm new york chefs celebrat... meredith's exclusive 4th floo... new york, ny wed oct 10, 7:00 pm smush moves, vol. 3 smush gallery jersey city, nj thu aug 30, 8:00 pm mass cpr - center for performance rese... brooklyn , ny sat aug 18, 6:00 pm dana reedy: "shakes o... pangea new york, ny fri aug 24, 7:00 pm new thrills theatre fes... the tank @ 36th street new york, ny mon jul 30, 7:00 pm american dreamers the workshop theater's jewel... new york, ny wed aug 15, 8:00 pm napoleon by stanley kub... angel orensanz foundation new york, ny mon aug 20, 8:00 pm ipanema nights the deep end ridgewood, ny fri jul 27, 9:00 pm one more than two teatro latea new york, ny fri sep 28, 8:00 pm 17th annual tomato extr... restaurant serenade chatham, nj wed aug 15, 7:00 pm 19th century history sy... mount vernon hotel museum new york, ny fri jul 27, 2:00 pm hooray for hollywoo: a... bizarre bushwick brooklyn, ny fri aug 24, 7:00 pm family art workshops: c... syma studios at the ti art studio... brooklyn, ny sun jul 29, 1:00 pm the bard conservatory c... cary hall at the dimenna center f... new york city, ny sun sep 09, 4:00 pm event grab bag new york butoh institut... theater for the new city (johnson... new york, ny thu oct 18, 8:00 pm new york chefs celebrat... meredith's exclusive 4th floo... new york, ny wed oct 10, 7:00 pm smush moves, vol. 3 smush gallery jersey city, nj thu aug 30, 8:00 pm mass cpr - center for performance rese... brooklyn , ny sat aug 18, 6:00 pm dana reedy: "shakes o... pangea new york, ny fri aug 24, 7:00 pm rent party presents chu... rent party maplewood, nj fri oct 12, 8:00 pm a neat sea tea celebrat... hornblower cruises - pier 40 new york, ny sun aug 12, 6:00 pm transit comedy club pre... brooklyn house of comedy(formerly... brooklyn, ny fri aug 24, 8:00 pm 20 years of cora: a gal... atelier roquette brooklyn, ny sat sep 22, 7:00 pm omega @ the kosciuszko... the kosciuszko foundation at the... new york, ny wed may 01, 6:00 pm new thrills theatre fes... the tank @ 36th street new york, ny mon jul 30, 7:00 pm meshahnye by maxim gorky theater for the new city new york city, ny thu sep 13, 8:00 pm pass: with the changes room g201, building g, snug harbo... staten island, ny sat oct 13, 6:00 pm arch ballet summer seas... davenport theatre new york, ny tue aug 14, 8:00 pm literati ii: fantasy the old stone house brooklyn, ny fri nov 30, 7:30 pm 2018 summer program sho... gk artscenter brooklyn, ny fri aug 10, 7:00 pm whiskey 101 the flatiron room new york, ny sat aug 11, 6:00 pm green fairy at the red... the red room (above the kgb bar) new york, ny thu aug 02, 9:30 pm revival ent. presents:... bergenfield vfw bergenfield, nj fri aug 24, 6:00 pm born yesterday studio playhouse montclair, nj fri mar 29, 8:00 pm just give me the mic va... esther and carol new york, ny sat aug 11, 7:00 pm speakeasy dollhouse: t... theatre 80 st. marks new york, ny wed sep 26, 8:00 pm hispanic theatre festiv... cdc theatre cranford, nj thu jul 26, 8:00 pm green fairy at the red... the red room (above the kgb bar) new york, ny thu aug 02, 9:30 pm revival ent. presents:... bergenfield vfw bergenfield, nj fri aug 24, 6:00 pm born yesterday studio playhouse montclair, nj fri mar 29, 8:00 pm just give me the mic va... esther and carol new york, ny sat aug 11, 7:00 pm speakeasy dollhouse: t... theatre 80 st. marks new york, ny wed sep 26, 8:00 pm hispanic theatre festiv... cdc theatre cranford, nj thu jul 26, 8:00 pm green fairy at the red... the red room (above the kgb bar) new york, ny thu aug 02, 9:30 pm revival ent. presents:... bergenfield vfw bergenfield, nj fri aug 24, 6:00 pm born yesterday studio playhouse montclair, nj fri mar 29, 8:00 pm american whiskey 101 fine & rare new york, ny sat aug 18, 6:00 pm contra corner/peak pros... nyc seminar and conference center new york, ny sun sep 16, 10:00 am comedy alchemy: earth saint paul's chapel new york, ny thu may 02, 7:30 pm witching hour boo-tique... dixion place theatre new york, ny sun oct 28, 6:00 pm literati ii: fantasy the old stone house brooklyn, ny fri nov 30, 7:30 pm american whiskey 101 fine & rare new york, ny sat aug 18, 6:00 pm contra corner/peak pros... nyc seminar and conference center new york, ny sun sep 16, 10:00 am fiore barbini losing my... 53 above broadway new york, ny wed sep 05, 7:00 pm alchemy: earth saint paul's chapel new york, ny thu may 02, 7:30 pm witching hour boo-tique... dixion place theatre new york, ny sun oct 28, 6:00 pm literati ii: fantasy the old stone house brooklyn, ny fri nov 30, 7:30 pm american whiskey 101 fine & rare new york, ny sat aug 18, 6:00 pm contra corner/peak pros... nyc seminar and conference center new york, ny sun sep 16, 10:00 am movies & film an evening with dianne... all saints episcopal church scotch plains, nj tue oct 02, 6:00 pm awakenings &; beginn... alvin ailey new york, ca sat sep 15, 6:00 pm music career essentials... national opera center new york, ny sun jul 29, 3:00 pm number the stars 13th street repertory company new york, ny wed aug 22, 7:00 pm disney's frozen jr the kumble theatre at long island... brooklyn, ny wed aug 01, 7:00 pm 2018 summer program sho... gk artscenter brooklyn, ny fri aug 10, 7:00 pm education awakenings &; beginn... alvin ailey new york, ca sat sep 15, 6:00 pm music career essentials... national opera center new york, ny sun jul 29, 3:00 pm number the stars 13th street repertory company new york, ny wed aug 22, 7:00 pm music 2018 summer program sho... gk artscenter brooklyn, ny fri aug 10, 7:00 pm an evening with dianne... all saints episcopal church scotch plains, nj tue oct 02, 6:00 pm awakenings &; beginn... alvin ailey new york, ca sat sep 15, 6:00 pm music career essentials... national opera center new york, ny sun jul 29, 3:00 pm esperpento - two black... 3ld art and technology center new york, ny fri oct 05, 7:30 pm falla! angel orensanz foundation new york, ny sun aug 26, 7:00 pm abdullah the butcher pr... laguardia plaze hotel east elmhurst, oh sat nov 10, 10:00 am ghost doctors ghost hun... grand c